How to avoid trouble at TTU, plus many other ideas on survival at TTU

This blog is meant to show things that have happened around TTU's campus. It all has really happened and not only to just one person but to many people. **If anyone would like anything added to these lists...just email me ( or leave me a message on my MySpace account. ENJOY!!!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Things that can get you in trouble.

  1. Riding bycycles through dorms
  2. Spraying walls/ windows with fake snow
  3. Throwing water balloons at fraternities
  4. Smoking pot in stairwells
  5. Mud wrestling on the main quad
  6. Drinking liquor in front of an RA
  7. Being drunk in front of an RA
  8. Asking an RA if he/she would like a drink
  9. Toilet papering dorm rooms
  10. Breaking into locked dorm rooms by breaking window latches
  11. Breaking curfew while drinking
  12. Using windows as entrances and exits
  13. Planting a friend in a tour group and then proceeding to kidnap them
  14. Buy your friends illegal substances, and watch them enjoy them
  15. Having a cat in your dorm room
  16. Taking a shower in Marshall showers while covered in mud, and not cleaning up the mess or the clogged drains.
  17. Throwing taco packets at each other in the grill
  18. Throwing fire crackers and water balloons out of dorm room windows at innocent bystanders
  19. Building a tree house on the main quad
  20. Having a bunny and two hamsters living in your dorm room
  21. Boucne bouncy balls in hallways
  22. Break into abandoned buildings or locked floor of dorm buildings
  23. Stealing car keys and making copies for later use
  24. Writing your own meal tickets for things cheaper than what you actually get.


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