How to avoid trouble at TTU, plus many other ideas on survival at TTU

This blog is meant to show things that have happened around TTU's campus. It all has really happened and not only to just one person but to many people. **If anyone would like anything added to these lists...just email me ( or leave me a message on my MySpace account. ENJOY!!!

Monday, April 25, 2005


When boredom strikes it becomes a very serious situation. With so much to do in Cookeville, being bored is almost impossible, but should it happen here are some things you can do.

1) Go swimming.
How odd this may sound, swimming is a perfectly good way to reduce boredom. However, one must not go swimming at Tech's finely furnished fitness center. Visit a local fall or creek, preferably Cummin's Falls the day after is snows, when the temperature is 60 degrees, and the water is around 30 degrees. One must go prepared for a long muddy hike, a frigid dip into an icy basin. Oh and one last detail, this activity is best reserved for the middle of Febuary.

Another fun adventure is to do the same thing, but instead of Cummins Falls go check out Rock Island. Try and cross a raging river with extremely fast rapids the days after it rains. This is a sure fire way to either succumb to death or catch a cold. Either way a fun time is sure to prevail, and just think of how much fun you will have sitting together eating soup for a week after all three of you catch a cold. This activity is good during the first week of March.

2) Test drive a car.
Now we all know that many college students lie to professors and fake illnesses to avoid deadlines and such. Why not put those abilities to a better use, test driving a $36,000 car. To do this one must have a ride to the dealership. Once there proceed to look at the fastest , most expensive car there and exlaim how much you like it. When confronted by a salesmen, smile...a lot. Tell him your daddy has sent you out car shopping for a new car for you and you want to test drive one. The salesmen will become excited at this, because there is nothing better than a daddy's girl with a deep pocket. He might ask for a price range. At this time smile larger and say that daddy does not care about money, he just wants you to find the car you like. Keep glancing at the car you like, mention some favourable features, a color and keep smiling. Remember a smile shows interest, and interest always wins. It should be inserted here the desired car is a Nissan 350Z silver convertable. Sadly, this car is not availible that day, but the Nissan Sentra SER is availible for a test drive. Show a little sadness in not being able to drive the car, this shows you really want to drive it. The salesmen will invite you back the next day to drive one, but since he cannot let you drive it today he will provide you with a car that costs less, but goes faster. Smile, this is a fair trade. Now, insurance says that a salesmen must go with you to test drive, but since your salesmen is busy he will let you take the car out on your own. At this time be grateful, he is breaking the law for daddy's little girl. Ask when he wants the car back. He should reply with when the dealership closes, and give a time before that. Please note that on this day the keys where given to the driver at 4:00PM CST, and the car was requested back by 6:00PM CST. Take the keys, buckle up, and go pick up two more people. Two hours later the car is returned with gas(you ran out and had to fill up), 100 extra miles(started out at 50, returned with 150 plus), and an average speed well over 90 mph. Final notes: The Nissan Sentra SER goes 0-60 in 3 seconds flat, the 350Z 3.5 even. On the on ramp miles per hour exceeded 80 mph, it took the length of one tractor trailor to reach 110 mph. There were 4 major burnouts that night, one whipping the car around 120 degrees. Only one person was supposed to drive with only one passenger, 3 different people drove with 2 extra passengers. Oh and one final note. the original driver never intended to buy either car, but returned the next day. The 350Z cannot be test-driven without a credit-check. The driver once again talked her way out of that one, but opted instead to retest-drive the SER only after being informed she would have to be escorted by a salesmen. She was escorted by the salesmen anyways in the SER. Oh and she did not have car insurance and it was raining that day.

3) Fake Snow
Take 2 cans of fake snow around christmas time. Run into all your friends rooms and spray fake snow on their windows. Be quick, be fast, and do not let any RA's or PA's see you put snow on the fire hose doors.

4) Steal golf flags.
Proceed to the local gold course. Make sure it is secluded and this is best done after 11PM. Start at one end and run fast. Grab four flags and then catch your breath, you are about to commit a second felony, public nudity. Strip down to your bare nothings, and streak the mile back to your hidden vehicle. Put on your clothes at the end and get out of there fast. Be sure to not leave any identifying material behind on the golf course, such as, id cards, black beanies, or golf balls in one area. This, if found, along with the noticeably missing golf flags will lead them to suspect that whomever's picture and name on the id card could possibly be involved in the missing flags.

5) Camping
Back at Rock Island you might want to go camping. Camping is fun, there are tents and good times, along with a fire. Fires are fun. Well set up camp and start a fire at Rock Island. By the way, its illegal, but you won't get caught if you do it in the entrance of a cave. Only after being informed by the Rangers that you cannot do it.


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